Finally, the TCKT is the proud owner of an Automated Fiber Placement System, short AFP facility! With the ongoing project “ProFVK – Industrielle Produktionsprozesse für die Verarbeitung von FaserVerbundKunststoffen und zur Herstellung von Leichtbaustrukturen” (cofinanced by means of funds from the State of Upper Austria and EFRE) and in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria the TCKT is able to work on the secrets of the automated laying process of fiber reinforced thermoset and thermoplastic materials. The topics covered include handling, waste reduction, material properties as well as the development of process and structural simulations. Further attention is given to accuracy, reproducibility, laying speeds and the usability of the system itself.
Equipped with three industrial robots and a rotary table, a plant was built by the company Fill according to the LowFlip-principle. Two robots are equipped with grippers, which take up tape cuts (widths up to 80 mm) and lead them to the third robot. This one is equipped with a pressure roller to lay the single tape cut on a tool.
With great excitement and joy we carried out the first tests and thus the plant went into operation.
The project “ProFVK” is co-funded by the European Union and the province of Upper Austria within the funding scheme EFRD “IWB 2014-2020”.