Processing techniques

Plastics have to be, besides having a suitable property profile, processable properly, regardless of the processing route, e.g. injection moulding, film extrusion or foaming. We have a motivated and experienced team as well as the proper equipment for your processing route of choice. For upscaling we have partners, with whom we can aid you along the process. Also we have the possibility to produce injection moulding tool inserts with our rapid-tooling-system in a short amount of time, so you have the possibility to test your ideas with life sized parts.
In the area of plastics processing a wide range of possibilities, like compounding, compression moulding, extrusion or injection moulding. In addition, we have different materials pre-processing steps, like pelletizing, high-speed mixing, shredding and milling. Our scope here is also to deal with the processability of the different plastics in regard to the properties and process wanted. Also we can produce sample lots for your product start-up.


Our equipment was set up on a broad basis, to have the possibility of solving your questions fast and reliable in house, but also to have the proper equipment for working on the detailed questions within our research projects. We also aim to keep a high technical level for our equipment. If you are missing something, just ask – very often we can help you together with one of our partners.


Battenfeld-Cincinnati, Camo, Erema, Fill, Greiner Packaging, Hawle, ifw, KMI, Kruschitz, KTM Technologies, Kuvag, M2C, NGR, OFI, PCE, Peak Technology, Poloplast, Praher, Rosenbauer, Semperit, SFC, Theurl Leimholzbau, Tiger Lacke, TIZ Grieskirchen, Trodat, Zitta