Bianca Purgleitner, MSc. is an experienced employee of TCKT with special knowledge in the fields of material testing, process engineering, scientific studies and project management. Beside her work at TCKT, she studied process engineering (bachelor) between 2007 and 2010 and plant engineering (master) from 2010 until 2012 at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in Wels. Since 2011 she had lead various scientific projects where she built a close network between TCKT and local small- and medium enterprises in plastic industries. Due to continuing education, several specific publications and participation of international conferences she also established contact with international scientific partners and is keeping her knowledge of plastic engineering up to date. Her main fields of scientific working are thermoplastic composites, plastics recycling and wear of plastic processing machinery.
Selected publications:
- Purgleitner B, Kneidinger C, Burstaller C, Schaffler G, Investigations on abrasive wear in a novel injection molding capillary slit die, poster presentation at PPS29, Nürnberg, Germany
- Purgleitner B, Burgstaller C, Influence of process parameters on porosity and mechanical properties of structural thermoplastic composites made by hotpressing, poster presentation at ECCM16, 2014, Sevilla, Spain
- Burgstaller C, Garre Martinez J.G, Purgleitner B, Influence of processing pathway on the properties of sisal fibre reinforced polypropylene composites, presentation at the EPF 2013, Pisa, Italy