Das TCKT forscht nicht nur, sondern wir publizieren auch unsere Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Projekten – natürlich immer nur in Abstimmung mit und nach Freigabe durch die Partner. Finden Sie hier eine Auswahl unserer Publikationen.
Publikationen 2024
- C. Burgstaller; Materials recycling of thermoplastic composites; PaCE Christmas Symposium; Wien
- B. Purgleitner, K. Krenn, C. Burgstaller; Untersuchung zur strukturellen Verwertung geschredderter Windradflügel in Bulk Moulding Compounds; Recy&DepoTech; Leoben, AT
- B. Liedl, T. Höftberger, C. Burgstaller; Properties of Multiple-Processed Natural Short Fiber Polypropylene and Polylactic Acid Composites: A Comparison; Macromol 2024, 4, 723–738.
- C. Burgstaller, K. Renner; Processing Influence on the Properties of Injection-Molded Wood Plastic Composites; Journal of Composite Science 2024, 8(10), 403
- Höftberger, T., Zitzenbacher, G., & Burgstaller, C.; Influence of Processing Parameters in Injection Molding on the Properties of Short Carbon and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composites; Polymers 2024, 16(19), 2745
- K. Felbermayer, S. van Frank, B. Heise, M. Brandstetter, C. Rankl, H. Ladner, P. Burgholzer; Multimodal Non-Destructive In Situ Observation of Crystallinity Changes in High-Density Polyethylene Samples with Relation to Optical Parameters during Tensile Deformation; Sensors 2024, 24, 6367
- B. Liedl, T. Höftberger, C. Burgstaller; PP versus PLA: Comparing properties of multiple processed cellulose short fibre composites; BiPoCo 2024; Esztergom, HU
- C. Strasser, B. Liedl, C. Burgstaller; Material characterization and performance evaluation of BIO-based plastics in FFF 3D-printing versus injection molding processes; BiPoCo 2024; Esztergom, HU
- T.G. Brunmayr, C. Kneidinger, G. Zitzenbacher, C. Burgstaller; Determination of the bulk density of different plastic granules as a function of pressure and temperature; AIP Conf. Proc. 3158, 130003; 2024
- B. Liedl, C. Burgstaller; Eigenschaftsverbesserung von Rezyklaten durch Materialmodifizierung; Fachtagung Kreislaufwirtschaft; Wels
- C.N. Chung, C. Marschik, M.H. Akhras, T. Höftberger, C. Burgstaller, G. Steinbichler; An experimental validation of diffusion-based devolatilization models in extruders using post-industrial and post-consumer plastic waste; International Polymer Processing; 2024
- T.G. Brunmayr, C. Kneidinger, G. Zitzenbacher, C. Burgstaller; Determination of the bulk density of different plastic granules as a function of pressure and temperature; AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 3158, No. 1, 2024
- B. Liedl, C. Burgstaller; Influence of selected contaminations and melt filtration on the properties of ABS and ABS recyclate; Polymer Engineering and Science; 2024
- T.Höftberger, C. Burgstaller; The influence of multiple recycling rounds on the properties of shredded glass fibre reinforced organosheets; ANTEC 2024; St.Louis
- C. Burgstaller; Influence of processing on the properties of short carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene; Polyolefins 2024; Galveston, TX, USA
- C. Burgstaller, K. Renner; Water Uptake Behavior of Injection-Molded Wood–Plastic Composite; Journal of Composite Science 2024 8(2) 61
- K. Steiner, V. Leitner, F. Zeppetzauer, D. Ostner, C. Burgstaller, H. Rennhofer, A. Bartl, D. Ribitsch, G.M. Guebitz; Optimising chemo-enzymatic separation of polyester cellulose blends; Resources, Conservation and Recycling Volume 202, March 2024, 107369
Publikationen 2023
- N. Moser, C. Strasser, A. Tanda, V.-M. Archodoulaki, C. Burgstaller; Influence of printing direction and filler orientation on the thermal conductivity of 3D printed heat sinks; Polymer Engineering and Science
- C. Burgstaller, K. Renner; Recycling of Wood–Plastic Composites—A Reprocessing Study; Macromol 2023, 3, 754-765
- C. Burgstaller; Applying reactive extrusion to modify polymers for improved compatibility; PM15; Bratislava; 2023
- B. Liedl, C. Burgstaller; Characterisation of recovered PET from mixed textile production waste and post-consumer waste-textiles; PM15; Bratislava; 2023
- C. Strasser, C. Burgstaller; 3D printing on unidirectional PA6 tapes and their effect on the mechanical properties; PM15; Bratislava; 2023
- B. Purgleitner, B. Liedl, P. Pangerl, R. Gradinger, C. Burgstaller; Recycling of multilayer-film components by cryogenic separation; PM15; Bratislava; 2023
- T. Höftberger, B. Liedl, C. Burgstaller; The influence of multiple recycling rounds on the mechanical properties, the melt-flow-rate, of PP-cellulose short fibre compounds; PM15; Bratislava; 2023
- D. Ostner, C. Burgstaller, M. W. Hlawitschka; Application of DSC and ATR-IR to the textile waste stream as an input for PET recycling; PM15; Bratislava; 2023